It uses silicon dioxide spheres that are placed in a unique geometrical pattern which alters the flow of water to gain turbulence. Silicon dioxide spheres are followed by placement of spherical magnets. Together it helps in reducing the size of calcium particles and other suspended particles. The working of the magnetic water conditioner is subject to certain working principles depending on the water condition. It is observed that independently magnetic water conditioners are not so effective in a varying water conditions as such when it is combined with turbulent water conditioning it gives better result. Harmoniser works on the principles of Hydromagnetodynamic effect categorized as a physical water treatment device. It changes the form of calcium from calcite to aragonite. During the the turbulent water flow the stern layer around calcite is broken and to form aragonite. Calcium when in calcite (Crystalline) form is the contributing factor for the formation of hard scale deposit. It is found that the Calcite : Aragonite ratio produced in evaporated scale deposits to be 80:20 before Hydromagnetodynamic treatment of hard water and the Calcite : Aragonite ratio after treatment is 30:70. As such the greater presence of calcium in water, in the form of Aragonite over calcite, contributes to the formation of only “soft scale” which is the residual hardness. It results in reduced hard scale deposits.
ISO 9001:2005, 13285
Basic Product Certification